TherapyBC website was created to facilitate recruitment and retention of pediatric occupational therapists, physical therapists and speech-language pathologists in publicly funded programs made available through the Ministry of Children and Family Development
This website is a unique resource for therapists, employers and agencies, providing:

Employment posting and search facilities for pediatric therapy positions

Posting and notification of pediatric education events and professional development opportunities

Resources for job seekers including links to employment and professional regulations

Resources for employers including recruitment and retention information

Resources for pediatric therapists to support practice including information about BC programs, workload management resources, indigenous resources, clinical education and preceptorship resources, forms, handouts and links to educational videos and websites

TherapyBC website is administered by Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children (an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority) with funding from the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

To contact TherapyBC, please use one of the following links:

For professional enquiries, or for more information about anything on the site, please contact memberservices@bcacdi.org

For technical issues with the site, please contact support@therapybc.ca