Canadian Association
of Occupational Therapists

Provides professional development programs and services, publications and mentorship programs for members.

CAOT-BC Chapter

Provides regional representation and support for occupational therapists in BC.


Physiotherapy Association of BC &
Canadian Physiotherapy Association

Provides practice resources, professional development programs and services, publications and clinical research support for members.


E-learning resource, free to CPA members.

Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy

Is an American organization with a mission to advance pediatric physical therapy through education, advocacy and research. This website offers provides free fact sheets and resources, and offers members a range of services including professional development and mentorship/networking.


College of Speech and
Hearing Health Professionals of BC

Established pursuant to the Health Professions Act of BC is a tripartite College, the first tripartite college in Canada. The primary mandate of the College is to protect the public. The College, through self regulation of three related professions: Audiology, Hearing Instrument Dispensing and Speech-Language Pathology, sets the ethical and practice standards for entrance to practice and continued competency for all Audiologists, Hearing Instrument Practitioners and Speech-Language Pathologists serving British Columbians.

Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC)

Is a member-driven organization that supports, promotes and elevates the professions of members and associates. The organization’s mission is to support and empower members and associates to maximize the communication health for all people of Canada. SAC offers a full range of professional development courses, clinical research grants and publications for members.

Speech and Hearing BC

Is a member-driven organization supporting and involving SLPs and audiologists across BC. Speech and Hearing BC is active in advocacy, social media, and provides a range of evidence-based practice resources and professional development programs.

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

Is the national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; audiology and speech-language pathology support personnel; and students. The organization provides a range of publications, professional development programs and a practice portal of free evidence-based summaries of clinical topics and professional issues.