A full list of services and resources are available here. Further information specific to commonly used services is provided below:
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Clinic provides diagnostic clarification and treatment consultation for children who have not responded to treatment services in their community. Referral is made by a physician. More information.
- Brachial Plexus Clinic provides multidisciplinary team care. Cindy Verchere – Director:; Norine Mayede – Patient coordinator:
- Child Health BC Hip Surveillance Program for Children with Cerebral Palsy aims to ensure that all children in BC with cerebral palsy, or who may have cerebral palsy but have not yet been diagnosed, receive appropriate screening for hip displacement to minimize or prevent complications associated with hip dislocations. A doctor’s referral is not required. Information on the program and enrollment forms are available here. Link to CP registry: Cerebral Palsy Registry (
- Complex Care Team provides services that can include intensive medical management, care coordination and planning for children and youth with medical complexity. Referral is initiated by a physician .
- Cystic Fibrosis Clinic diagnose and care for infants, children, adolescents and their families who are affected by cystic fibrosis. Referral is initiated by a physician.
- Neuromuscular Clinic referrals are made to Dr Kathryn Selby, Neurologist at BC Children’s Hospital, email: Booking clerk phone: 604-875-3145. Fax is 604-875-2285.
- Occupational Therapy provide inpatient and outpatient assessment and consultation services including a plagiocephaly clinic, as well as liaison with and education for community service providers. Conditions and Referral is made by a physician and faxed to 604-875-3220.
- Orthopedic clinic provides multi-disciplinary team orthopedic care for children and youth with CP, spine, club foot and other orthopedic conditions. Contact information and referral.
- Physiotherapy provide inpatient and outpatient assessment and consultation services for children with conditions such as scoliosis, torticollis and cystic fibrosis. Referral is made by a physician and faxed to 604-875-3220.
- Rheumatology comprehensive and coordinated multidisciplinary team provides diagnosis and treatment for children and adolescents with rheumatic diseases. Referral is made by a physician and faxed to 604-875-3141.
- Spinal cord clinic referrals for children and youth with spinal cord injury, spina bifida etc. are made to Dr. Jacqueline Purtzki, Physiatrist at BC Children’s Hospital, email: Referrals
Clinic contact information:
- Cerebral Palsy
- Brachial Plexus
- Club Foot
- Torticollis
- Hemophilia
- Spinal Cord
- Neuromuscular
- Neonatal follow-up
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Illizarov
- Rhizotomy
- Oncology
- Complex Pain
- Limb deficiency
- Scoliosis
- Biochemical disease
- Home Tracheostomy and Ventilation
Referral forms, contact information and processes for all programs.
- Assistive Technology Team sees children and youth with severe speech and writing disabilities. Referrals to the Assistive Technology Team can be initiated by a doctor, speech-language pathologist or Occupational Therapist.
- Autism: The BC Autism Assessment Network sees children with a query of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Contact information and referral.
- Complex Developmental Behavioral Conditions Team: provides diagnostic assessments for children & youth who have difficulties in multiple areas of function including fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Referral must be initiated by a paediatrician.
- Developmental Coordination Disorder provides team diagnostic assessments for children aged 4-12 years (will see children aged 4-18 years with a DCD diagnosis for research purposes). The DCD Advocacy Toolkit is available on the Child Development and Rehabilitation website with information about assessment, management and tools and resources to assist you in best practice and advocacy work in management of DCD.
- Feeding team sees children and youth with complex feeding and swallowing problem. Contact information and services.
- Gait Assessment Team assesses children and youth with walking disorders. Contact information and services.
- Hearing Loss Team. Referral can be initiated by a family doctor, pediatrician or otolaryngologist.
- Positioning and Mobility Team sees children and youth with disabilities who require special equipment to sit, stand or move. The team has developed numerous resources in the area of positioning and mobility that can be found at this link. Contact information and services.
- Therapeutic Recreation, Aquatics and Music Therapy Team provides recreation therapy, aquatic and music therapy services to children and youth with disabilities and their families across BC. Contact information and services.
- Tone Management Team sees children and youth who have problems with tone or spasticity in their muscles.
- Visual Impairment Program sees children and youth with known visual impairment and developmental concerns. Referral to the Visual Impairment Program can be initiative by a family doctor, pediatrician or ophthalmologist.
Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health is located in Victoria. Specialty clinics and services for families living on Vancouver Island can be contacted at 1-250-529-5390. Links to Children and Youth Rehabilitation Services and Children and Youth Services
Clinics include:
- Cleft Lip/Palate
- Neuromuscular Clinic
- School Age Clinic
- Plagiocephaly
- Feeding & Swallowing
- Visual Impairment
- Spinal Deformities
- Orthotics, Prosthetics and Seating Team provides orthotics, foot care, splinting, prosthetics, pedorthics, seating, and assistive devices to people of all ages across vancouver island.
- Neuropsychology Services offers assessments and psychoeducational/rehabilitation plans for children who have been diagnosed with neurological or medical conditions where brain dysfunction is suspected to affect their cognitive abilities, learning in school, or day to day behaviours
- Supported Child Development Program provides consultation, extra staffing supports and staff training to child care providers and early childhood educators.
- Vancouver Island Children’s Assessment Network provides assessment services for children on Vancouver Island with complex developmental needs: Autism Spectrum Disorders and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
* Note that some clinics may only be available for those living in the South Island area.
Other referral resources
- Family Support Institute: The purpose of the Family Support Institute of BC is to strengthen, connect and build communities and resources with families of people with disabilities in BC.
The table below is a list of therapists and agencies that deliver the foundational therapy programs – Early Intervention Therapy and/or School-Aged Therapy. You must be included on this list or be school district or health authority that provides services to children and youth with special needs to register as an employer to post a job on the Therapy BC website. Please email to request an update to the information on this list.