B.C. Loan Forgiveness Program

Recent graduates in occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech-language pathology and audiology can have their B.C. student loans forgiven by agreeing to work at publicly funded health care facilities in underserved communities in B.C., or working with children in occupations where there is an identified shortage in B.C. including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech-language pathology and audiology.

For more information refer to the B.C Loan Forgiveness Program information on the B.C. StudentAidBC website.

Clinical Education Resources

In addition to the resources available through your individual program, the following resource may be helpful during your clinical placement:

Preceptor Education Program for Health Professionals and Students

This online interprofessional program developed by Western University provides 9 e-learning modules for clinical educators and students with learning exercises, video case scenarios and references. Each module takes about 30-45 minutes to complete.

Out-of-Province and International Student Clinical Placements

The links below will provide you with information and contacts for out-of-province and international student placements:

Pediatric Therapy Resources

Useful resources for pediatric therapy can be found in: eLibrary